The Tennessee Artist’s Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 6500 Northshore Dr., Knoxville. This meeting is free and open to anyone interested in the arts in East Tennessee. CDC Covid guidelines will be followed. Refreshments will be served.
The program will feature artist Joni Smith who will demonstrate and present an overview of neurographic art. Smith will give a brief talk on the origins of this therapeutic art form, a few guidelines in creating neurographic art, its uses and benefits in art therapy, and how it can relieve stress in daily life.
Joni Smith is a mixed media artist who fluctuates between abstract and representational art using a variety of mediums. Smith has a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art from Winthrop College. She lives in Farragut, TN and is a member of the Tennessee Artists Association and the Knoxville Arts and Cultural Alliance. Currently, her work can be seen downtown at the Frothy Monkey, 419 S. Gay Street, and on TAA’s website at page/store-2/