March 1 – Current Member Deadline to renew & pay dues.

May TAA Meeting: Picnic at The Cove at Concord Park 

May 16, 2023 4:30-8:45 PM EST

The Tennessee Artist’s Association will hold its annual picnic on Tuesday, May 16 at “The Cove” at Concord Park, 10901 S. Northshore Drive. This meeting is free and open to anyone interested in the arts in East Tennessee.

The evening will feature classic cook out food, a art supplies swap, challenge art, photo ops, and fellowship. Spouses, significant others, friends, and family are all welcome. 

Bring any art supplies you have that you want to pass on to someone else. We will have a swap and any leftover supplies will be taken to an elementry school for their art program.

This months show and tell theme is “Under the Water”. Bring your pieces to the meeting this month and participate in our Monthly challenge. Challenge Art can be done in any media and can be brought to the meeting at any stage of completion, from rough sketches to ready-to-show or sell. Interpret the challenge however you want, to suit the medium of your choice. The Intention of the Challenges is to provoke thought and creativity, push us as artists to new processes & themes, and to encourage us to CREATE!