“Take Your Work to the Next Level”
3-Day Portrait Painting Workshop with Master Artist Seth Haverkamp
February 26th, 27th, & 28th 2025, from 9:30am to 4:30pm
In this workshop there will be a heavy emphasis on creating a good foundation to take your work to the next level and attention to the final strokes, the crescendo of the painting. Students may work from their own reference photo. Seth will demonstrate and work one on one with each attendee helping them recognize their strengths and weaknesses to push their work to the next level.
To learn more about Seth Haverkamp, visit his website at https://www.sethhaverkamp.com.
Please contact Betty Bullen at bullenart@aol.com for a full supply list.
Register now by sending a check with info to:
Betty Bullen, 1982 Highway 61 E, Luttrell, TN. 37779
Please provide Name, Address, Phone number, and Email address, along with a check for $360.00 made out to TAA Studio 106.