We are finalizing details for our ANNUAL JURIED SHOW.
The deadline for entering will be available soon.
Judging will take place online. The following instructions will help you to photograph and name your files correctly for entering the show:
Take a high-quality (squared-up) photo of the painting only
(unframed painting to avoid glare) and crop it to just the image,
correctly oriented (horizontal or vertical.)The painting image must show only the painting; no mat, frame or background should be visible.
Open the .jpg file and change the resolution to a minimum of 300 pixels per inch, sized to a maximum of 1800 pixels on the LONGER side, saved as maximum quality not to exceed 3 MB.
Name the file as: Artist Name (LastFirst)_ArtworkTitle_media_size (HxW).jpg
Example : SmithJane_RedTulips_acrylic_20h12w.jpg