Oil painting seascape
Pat Appling’s Two Day Seascape Class
DATE: April 16 & 17, 2025
9:30am to 4:30pm, 1 hour break for lunch
PLACE: TAA’s Studio 106 at the Emporium
100 S Gay Street Knoxville, TN
COST: $360 check made out to TAA Studio 106
Send Payment with NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE AND EMAIL to William Person 1015 Mc Cloud Trail, Duff, TN 37729 $360 includes all paint, 18x24 canvas medium.
Contact: wcp1947@gmail.com with questions.
Virgil Elliott
portrait workshop with a living master
DATE: May 21, 22, 23, 2025
9:30am to 4:30pm, 1 hour break for lunch
PLACE: TAA’s Studio 106 at the Emporium.
100 S Gay Street Knoxville, TN
COST: $475 - to be confirmed
Send Payment with NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE AND EMAIL to William Person 1015 Mc Cloud Trail, Duff, TN 37729. Contact: wcp1947@gmail.com with questions and to hold your space.
Landscape Painting Workshop:
Secret for Greater and Faster Growth
DATE: Tuesday-Thursday, July 29,30, 31, 2025
9:30am to 4:30pm, 1-hour break for lunch
PLACE: TAA’s Studio 106 at the Emporium
100 S Gay Street Knoxville, TN
COST: $475
Contact Betty Bullen at bullenart@aol.com for information and to register.
Space is limited. This will be a very popular workshop so register early.
Bill is not only famous for his artwork, he is equally renowned as an instructor.
In this workshop you will learn how to SEE better design, shape, and value and then magically create a color harmony with scintillating temperature shifts.
Bill has the ability to delightfully present and simplify in a fun way complex and obtuse art language. He will present ideas that will make it easier and faster
for you to learn, and enjoy the process of painting more.
with Katie Lindsey
DATE: Tuesdays & Wednesdays
PLACE: Oak Ridge Art Center, 201 Badger Ave, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
COST: 8 weeks, $100 for Art Center members, $120 for non members.
REGISTER: thatzkat@gmail.com for information.
Acrylic and Watercolor Painting
with Carol Robin King
Watercolor LESSONS
with Carol Robin King
DATE: March 28-29, 10 to 5 daily
PLACE: Tellico Village Chota Classroom
REGISTER: https://www.tellicoartguild.com/250328-2-day-plaster-relief-intermediate-workshop-with-carol-king/
with Betty Bullen
DATE: Mondays from 10-1
REGISTER: Betty at bullenart@aol.com or 865-992-1005 for more information.
Beginning to intermediate oil painting classes. No prior painting or drawing experience required.
Oil Painting instruction
To submit a class or workshop for
this page, send the following items to kira@kiraevans.com.
COST and REGISTRATION instructions.